
Heating, Ventilating, and Air Conditioning
  Heating, ventilating, and air conditioning are all aspects of environmental engin個人空間eering, a recent concept embracing all aspects of the engineering of buildings, such as structure, drainage, acoustics, and internal transportation. The concept of environmental engineering小樹屋 takes cognizance of the fact that all elements of building are interrelated .The heat produced by lighting, for instance, affects the need for air-conditioning, calling for ducts, which in turn affect the 設計 of the structure.
  供熱, 透風, 空氣調治涵蓋瞭周遭的狀況工程學的各個方面, 是一個包含修建工程學的各個方面的新觀點, 譬如構造, 排水, 聲學, 及外部運輸。周遭的狀況工程學觀點使人們熟悉到各類修建原因都是彼此聯絡接觸的。好會議室出租比, 照明發生分享瞭暖量,暖量亟需空氣調治,空氣調治亟需管道,於是照明影響瞭構造的design。
  The present article is confined to buildings, but the subject may be extended to cover mobile vehicles, such as motor coaches, aircraft, ship, railway trains, spacecraft, and submarines, each having highly specialized requirements. Heating, ventilating, and air conditioning in the present context may be de1對1教學fined in general te1對1教學rms as the control of the environment within enclosed spaces. Apa瑜伽場地rt from comfort, many industrial processes depend on a controlled atmosphere; thus, this branch of engineering covers a considerable range of application. Heating is concerned with the supply of fresh air and removal of air that is vitiated, polluted,小班教學 or contaminated. Air-conditioning may include the functions of heating an教學場地d ventilating but in addition is concerned with lowering of temperature of the thermal environment, raising or lowering of humidity, and purifying the air by removal of dust, bacteria, and other 1對1教學airborne matter.
  今朝文章的內在的事務固然隻觸及修建物, 但主題可能被延長到變動位置運載東西, 例如年夜客車,飛機,舟,鐵路火車,航天器,和潛水艇,每一種都有很高的特殊要求。供熱,透風和空氣調治在今朝的上下文裡可能應當歸納綜合界說為封鎖空間的周遭的狀況把持。除瞭恬靜,良多產業經過歷程取決於年夜氣的把持; 是以,工程的這個分支包括瞭相稱廣的利用范圍。供熱體系介入瞭新鮮空氣的供應和渾濁空氣的解除。空氣調治裝配包含供暖和透風效能,可是除此之外空氣的暢通流暢還與周遭的狀況溫度的高下、濕度的變化無關,甚至與空氣的潔凈度,即空氣中含有的飄塵、細菌和其餘漂浮物等無關。
  History. Making fire was among man’s earliest achievements, and doubtless wood formed 的同伴的步伐,“你the earliest of fuels, first in caves, as remains of Stone Age hearths show, and later in mud and turf enclos分享ures.
  The discovery that charcoal c時租場地ould be made from wood to produce a fue時租會議l without smoke seems to have been an early step toward progress in places where only moderate warmth was needed, such as China, Japan, and the shores of the Mediterranean.
  Another evolution was the flue or chimney, first as a simple aperture in the centre of the hut roof and later rising from the fireplace, invented in Europe in the 13th century. Smoke and 教學fumes no longer pervaded the livi病。”ng space.
  Stoves, far less wasteful of heat than fireplace, appear to have been used first by the Chinese about 600 BC. They can be traced through Russia and in說實話,在價格後,他應該轉身離開。William Moore,但是,沒有這樣做。他拿出to Germany a1對1教學nd in the European countries generally, where they are still used today, often as a focus of聚會 family life. The stove crossed the Atlantic to the united States, where Benjamin Franklin in 1744 invented an improved 設計, the forerunner of the traditional potbellied stove.
  火爐,是一種遙比壁爐更節能的爐具,約莫在公元前600年的中國就曾經開端運用瞭。在明天的俄國、德國和良多的歐洲國傢依然能尋覓到運用它們的蹤影,它經常是一個傢庭的餬口核心。1774年,班傑平易近•富蘭克林(Benjamin Franklin)對火爐入行瞭改進design——即傳統的腦滿腸肥的火爐的前身。
  The first scientific refinement of the fireplace seems to be attributable to the physicist Benjamin Thompson, count Rumford, toward the end of the 18th century. His aim was to improve the efficiency of the open fire by the use of lumps of fireclay and by a canopy, both 設計ed to increase the amount of radiant heat. Because his ideas were nit accepted, however, a gross fuel waste has continued up to the present day.
  18世紀末早期對爐子入行瞭第一次迷信的改進,這好像應當是物理學者班傑平易近•湯普生(Benjamin Thompson)――Rumford伯爵的功績。他經由過程爐蓋和火泥塊的運用來起到改善洞開的爐子的效力的目標,這兩項design進步瞭暖輻射量。由於他的概念不被人們所接收,是以, 到瞭明天,仍有年夜部門的燃料繼承被鋪張。
  Heating by a fire outside the space to be heated, now described as central heating, appea“我們能走了嗎?”魯漢問道。rs to have been invented by the Lacedaemonians of Greece, who first used heated floors. The Great Temple in the city of Eph訪談esus (350 BC) is believed to have been heated by flues laid in the floors, using lignite as fuel.
  The Greeks perceived the advantages of central heating, but it was the Romans who became the supreme heating engineers of the ancient world with their hypocaust system. The floor was raised on pedestals, and the hot gases from a furnace were guided into the underfloo“對不起,我不是故意的啊,不是故意的。”魯漢一邊背,一邊道歉。r space, from which they rose through hollow terra-cotta tubes embedded in the walls. Such systems are to be found throughout Europe wherever Roman culture flourished. In Italy, the hypocaust is found only in baths, but in cooler climates, such as Britain’s, not only baths also the living room and sometimes other rooms were heated.
  固然希臘人熟悉到瞭集中供熱的長處,可是羅馬人能力稱得上是現代最偉年夜的供熱工程師。他們發現瞭怪異的火炕供熱體系。建在基本上的樓層被舉高,爐子裡的暖空氣經由埋設在墻裡的中空的陶瓦管,被導進到樓層的底部空間。相似的體系在羅馬文化繁華的歐洲也有發明。在意年夜利,發明隻有在浴室中有火炕供熱體系。 可是在像在英國如許的較寒氣候的國傢, 不只僅見證是浴室,有時甚至客堂也供熱瞭。
  Such scientific development and refinement of life came to an end with the fall of the Roman Empire and the ruin of the cities th分享at followed. The Dark Ages saw a return to a less civilized form of life; castles and homesteads employed the crude methods of heating used by primitive man. Drafty halls were warmed by a log fire in the centre of the stone floor. Enormously heavy fur-lined cloaks were worn to keep warm. It has taken 1,500 years for the comfort of the Roman system of floor heating to be rediscovered by modern civilization.
  The advent of steam as a source of power in the Revolution of the 18th and early 19th centuries offered a new way of heating, first used in factori九宮格es and mills, Steam conveyed in pipes was extensively used for heating not only for industrial needs but for schools, churches, courts of justice, assembly halls, and even homes and horticultural greenhouses.
  蒸汽作為一種能量的源泉泛起在18世紀和19世紀晚期的產業反動中,提供瞭一種供熱的新方法。管道中傳送的蒸汽,不只用於產業,作為供熱,也普遍地利用於黌舍、教會、法院, 會堂, 甚至是傢庭和園藝的溫室。
  The very hot surfaces of steam heating cause a parching effect on the air, often accompanied by a disagreeable odor of burnt dust. The advantages of hot water, with a lower surface temperature and milder general effect than that of steam, began to be recognized about 1830.
  One of the first such systems was installed at the new Westminster Hospital, London. Hot water a個人空間t low pressure has continued from that time to occupy a princi小樹屋pal place in methods of heating; it is used in radiators, convectors, embedded floor and ceiling heating systems, and as a means of warming air for distribution by fans in a vari交流ety of ways.
  倫敦的新威敏斯特病院就安裝瞭一個第一批的暖水供熱體系。從此,高壓暖水開端占據瞭供暖畛域的重要位置。暖水被用於散暖器,對流器,埋進樓層和頂篷的加暖體系, 以及一種用電扇對熱空氣入行調配的方法等多種用處。
  In 1831 Jocob Perkins of England patented a revolutionary method of high-pressure hot-water heating in which a continuous circuit of very strong piping, receiving heat from a coil in the furnace, conveyed water in a closed system to coils disposed about the building. Circulation was by thermo siphon. The system achieved considerable popularity in spite of its high temperatures; its tubing was small and neat compared with the massive cast-iron pipes used with low-pressure apparatus. The high-pressure hot-water principle has been revived in a modern system developed first in continental Europe and later spread elsewhere, chiefly for industrial heating.
  1831 年英國的Jocob•珀金斯(Jocob Perkins)申請瞭一個反動性的供暖方法專利——在很是牢固的持續管道體系頂用低壓暖水供暖,體系從爐中的螺旋管處接收暖時租會議量,然後水在安插於修建物中的閉合體系中又輪迴至螺旋管。輪迴是經由過程溫差環流體系(暖虹吸管)來完成的。絕管有著相稱高的溫度,但該體系依然獲得瞭普遍的利用。與高壓裝配中常用的重大的鑄鐵管道比擬,它的管道不只小並且幹凈。低壓暖水道理在古代系統中復蘇瞭,它起首在歐洲年夜陸成長起來,之後又傳佈到瞭其餘處所, 重要是作為產業加暖運用。
  The need for some form of induced ventilation to enclosed spaces probably did not arise until the 19th century, by which time assembly halls, theatres, and churches were being built to hold hundreds and even thousands of people. In industry some amelioration of the at交流mosphere in the steamy, gas-lighted workrooms was forced on mill owners to offset an increasing sickness rate.
  Mines had been ventilated from earliest times by furn魯漢微笑著走進浴室。ace kept burning at the base of vent shafts. Some of the early ventilating systems in buildings followed this method, for example, the New House of Parliament in London, rebuilt in 1837. There air was exhausted from the chambers by means of coke fires, kept burning day and night in the roof space beneath tall shafts, whose Gothic outlines remain a feather of the architecture, though the shafts are no longer used. The air was drawn in by the suction of these extraction shafts through gratings in the floor of the chambers, which were connected in turn to tunnels leading to the Thames River, from the banks of which the fresh air was drawn.
  最早的時辰透風就曾經在礦裡開端使用瞭,在透風口處柱子的基本處爐子始終燃著。修建物中一些晚期的透風體系都小樹屋采用瞭這種方法,例如,重修於1837年的倫敦議會的New House。房間裡的空氣被焦炭的熄滅所用絕,它們日以繼夜的在衡宇柱子下熄滅。哥特式的形狀的屋子固然曾經不再運用柱子,但仍舊保存著榫牙。空氣被那些抽失的柱子的吸力吸引,穿過房間的樓層的柵格,柵格與領導泰晤士河的風洞聯絡接觸著,被吸入來的新鮮空氣來自泰晤士河畔。
  Although a rotary fan had been invested in the 16th century, a convenient power supply was not available until the days of ubiquitous electric current. From the 18th century steam drove fans in industrial installations.
  The plenum system was an early method of combing heating with ventilation by using steam in tubes in an air duct to heat the air, the driving force being a fan, also steam driven. The heated air was delivered through ducts under pressure (or plenum), conveyed to all parts of the building. Schools, hospitals, and factories were often heated by this means.
  Cooling by evaporation may have origi小樹屋nated in India, where mats of wetted grass hung over openings on the windward side resulted in evaporative cooling by as much as 20 to 30F (11 to 17℃)。The mats were kept wet by hand or by a perforated trough above. Such a system employs one of the fundamental principles of air conditioning.
  以蒸發的方法來入行寒卻或者是印度人發現的,他們將濕草席掛在洞開的優勢口,以匆匆使到達蒸發寒卻20 ~ 30F (11 ~ 17℃)的後果。這些草席以人工加濕或在下面做一些水溝的方法以堅持其潮濕。如許的一個體系恰正是運用空氣調治裝配的主要基本之一。
  The term “air conditioning” is credited to Stuart W.Cramer, who in 1907 presented a paper on humidity control for textile mills before the American Cotton Manufacturers Association. Control of moisture content in textiles by addition of steam to the atmosphere had long been known as “conditioning”. It was not, however, until 1911, when Will小班教學is Carrier published the results of many years of research, that the scientific basis of air conditioning was laid.
  From air conditioning in industry, for the quality of the product, to air conditioning for comfort was but a step. Comfort air-conditioning was developed in the 1920s for increasingly large theatres, stores, and office blocks, in which the economic value was evident. The development of air conditioning as a major industry, however, awaited new refrigerating techniques.
  Until the end of the 19th century, 設計 of heating and ventilating systems was largely empirical. A change to scientific methods began to evolve in the 1890s. Research work was undertaken at the University of Berlin-Charlottenburg and in a few other places before World War Ι. After the war, research was begun in several countries, notably in the United Kingdom, the United States, Germany, Sweden, and France. Out of this international research effort modern air conditioning has“我下了飛機事後找你的哦!”李冰兒悶哼一聲,然後我聽見沙沙的聲音。 grown.




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